DFW Daylight Savings Time Transition and ATSC

February 2016

The DST follies begin again. (For anyone that wants to see the previous versions of this page, the Internet Archive should have it.) The DST change is scheduled for 13 March this spring.

Each plot shows the values for DS_status (1 means in daylight savings time), DS_day_of_month, and DS_hour.

13 Feb.

The loser in the jumping the gun race was KJJM, a low power station, who changed on 10 March. Joined today by many more. So many that my DVR time is currently off by one hour. Not a big deal but the scheduled recordings are happening at the wrong times.

WFAA (RF 8)WFAA DST change information

KFWD (RF 9)KFWD DST change information

KERA (RF 14)KERA DST change information

KTVT (RF 19)KTVT DST change information

KUVN (RF 23)KUVN DST change information

KTXA (RF 29)KTXA DST change information

KJJM (RF 34)KJJM DST change information

KDFW (RF 35)KDFW DST change information

KDFI (RF 36)KDFI DST change information

KAZD (RF 39)KAZD DST change information

KXAS (RF 41)KXAS DST change information

KPXD (RF 42)KPXD DST change information

KDTN (RF 43)KDTN DST change information

KTXD (RF 46)KTXD DST change information

KSTR (RF 48)KSTR DST change information

KDTN had to be different and they are claiming that the change happens on the 3rd.

15 Feb.

KDTN changed the day to the correct value today.

KDTN (RF 43)KDTN DST change information

25 Feb.

KDAF got with the program yesterday. A little late but at least they weren't early.

KDAF (RF 32)KDAF DST change information

12 Mar.

Yesterday KDTX finally decided to update their DST information. Very late but at least they didn't completely forget.

KDTX (RF 45)KDTX DST change information

13 Mar.

Where there was a little variation in the timing of the handling of the change today,three stood out. First KDAF and KDTX who failed to do anything at or near 2AM:

KDAF (RF 32)KDAF DST change information

KDTX (RF 45)KDTX DST change information

(Times in these plots are standard time.) Maybe they will realize that their broadcast area has completed the change sometime later.

Then there was KFWD who jumped the gun and swiched into DST at 1AM in spite of their data showing that the knew that the change happens at 2AM:

KFWD (RF 9)KFWD DST change information
