
I recently stumbled on a blog entry about building a simple CP/M-68K system from scratch. This reminded me of my third computer. (The first was a COSMAC Elf built using the Popular Electronics articles and the second was a scratch built 6809 based board.)

Sometime around 1984 I purchased a Motorola MEX68KECB. I also purchased and built a Heathkit H-19 terminal to go with it. (I ended up buying some extra parts from Heathkit and installed it inside along with couple of floppy drives. Sort of a strange H-89.) While I started with fig-FORTH I used that to install CP/M-68K. An interesting process.

The CP/M-68K distribution disks provided some help in porting to new systems by including an image of the BDOS (main CP/M code) in S-record format. Once loaded all you needed to do was patch a couple of addresses that linked to your machine specific BIOS. This provided a path for installation that did not require a large tool set.

I used FORTH to load the BDOS image. (I forget how I loaded the BIOS. It might have been from tape and written using the MEX68KECB one line assembler.) My first BIOS was dead simple and nearly useless. It had no sector buffer so the mismatch between the CP/M sector size of 128 and the physical sector size of 1024 really slowed things down. But I quickly built a new BIOS using the CP/M tools which was a lot faster. My final BIOS included enough buffer space so that it limited disk seeks to the read directory extents.

I haven't used this machine in nearly 20 years and the H-19 terminal (into which I stuffed the MEX68KECB, floppy disk interface card, and two TEAC 5.25 inch disk drives) no longer powers up. But I have a mild interest in my old code and discovered something called cpmtools to read the old disks.


In order to use cpmtools you must either use a disk definition from the included table or add one. Yet the details of how the diskdefs file works are missing. Add to that the problem that my memory of the format used is a bit fuzzy and reading the disks will take some work.

One problem is sector skew and how heads are handled. The diskdef has no way of describing the number of heads. Looking at the provided file it appears as though it is handled by telling it the number of sectors per cylinder as sectors per track. But how the code handles the translation is never mentioned. Add to this the sector skew problem. I used a skew to improve transfer speed and the order of my 1K sectors is 0, 2, 4, 1, 3. But since I have to tell cpmtools that I have 10 sectors/track will it do it as: 0, 2, 4, 6...? I also noticed an entry in the diskdefs that has a skewtab. Which is of course completely undocumented. Sigh.

My first crack didn't work out too well. First I had to track down my floppy drive which is a combo 3.5/5.25 unit. I got that hooked up and then it took a while to figure out that Linux doesn't load the floppy module by default anymore. Then there is the problem that my brain dead motherboard only supports a single drive. I had to swap connectors so it would access the 5.25 drive rather than the 3.5. Cpmtools didn't work too well so then I tried another tool: libdsk. After futzing around with that for a while I discovered that I needed to use the density specifier that means "double density disk in high density drive". While I was trying to figure that out (the dskutil program was reporting missing address mark) I stumbled on some old handwritten format documentation.

With the WD 2797 controller you format a disk by using the write track command. Certain values produce special results. Here is what I used:

num bytesvaluenotes
60 4E preamble
12 00 start of sector (repeat for each of five sectors)
3 F5 address mark
1 FE
1 track number (0-79)
1 side (0 or 1)
1 sector (1-5)
1 01 sector length
1 F7
22 4E
12 00
3 F5 address mark
1 FB
1024 E5 sector data
1 F7 write two byte CRC
24 4E end repeated section
718 4E outrun at end of track

As each track is written only the track and side information has to be changed to match.

Now that I have figured out that I can use libdsk to read the format I need to convince cpmtools to do so as well. But that diskdefs documentation problem kicks up again. But at least I have verified that I have two reserved tracks (one cylinder) at the beginning. It also looks like there are 6 sectors allocated to the directory. (192 entries)

Recompiling cpmtools helped, but not enough. While dskutil finds and likes my .libdskrc file, when cpmtools calls libdsk, it does not.

After much thrashing I found that I could set the disk parameters using setfdprm (after downloading fdutils), copying the disk using dd, and finally using cpmtools to copy the files off. The copy using dd is achingly slow so it is apparently getting one sector per revolution. I don't think I have enough patience to process all of the hundred or so disks that I have but I have sucked up two. One has what looks like one of my last versions of the BIOS for the MEX68KECB hardware. The other looks like a BIOS for new hardware that I worked on for a bit that had an interface to IBM PC (8 bit only) hardware. At least the floppy driver says it is for a 8272.

I also found a copy of my boot code. I had to type this in using the TUTOR one line assembler so it is as short as I could make it. I had this memorized and could type it in really fast.

0x0900  move.l  #$2000f,a0         * pointer to PT FD-2 controller
        move.l  #$f81000,a1        * address to load data to
        move.l  a1,$70             * set FDC interrupt vector
        moveq.l #7,d7              * used for bit tests
        move.b  #2,(a0)            * select 2MHZ clock
        clr.b   2(a0)              * issue 2797 restore command
        btst    #6,(a0)            * wait for track zero output
        beq     $91a
        btst    d7,2(a0)           * wait till disk ready
        bne     $920
        clr.b   (a0)               * switch to normal 2797 clock rate
        move.b  #1,6(a0)           * set sector register to 1
        move.b  #$88,2(a0)         * read sector command
        move.w  #$2300,sr          * enable FDC interrupt level
        btst    d7,(a0)            * wait for data ready
        beq     $938
        move.b  8(a0),(a1)+        * copy data
        bra     $938

It has been a long time so the details are a bit fuzzy but I have tried to comment it as well as I can remember. While the PT FD-2 controller was mostly stock I made one significant modification to it. At the normal clock speed for 5.25" disks its fastest step rate made my TEAC drives sound awful. By doubling the clock rate I could match the step rate match the drive and they were nearly silent when stepping. So address $2000f actually points to a latch that selects the clock. I can also read some status bits from the FDC at this address as well. The actual WD2797 registers then start at 2(a0).

The FDC interrupt vector points to the start of the loaded data so when the transfer complete interrupt happens the code jumps to the freshly loaded code. That code then continues the boot process.

For CP/M-68K there is a special reduced version (CPMLDR) that needs to run and it is bigger than my 1K sector size so the first thing the freshly loaded code has to do is read in the rest of the reserved tracks. Both side 1 and side 2 are reserved for a total of 10K.

I don't know if I have enough interest in this old system to drag out the hardware and see if it still runs. But I may read a few of the old disks. If anyone is interested in that old code, my contact information is on the home page.

Old Code

After more effort than I expected, I was able to read my old disks. Most of the trouble was the result of my selection of 1K physical sectors. This was non-standard but as I recall, I figured that by using 1K sectors I could get 800KB per disk rather than 720KB.

First I had to convince Linux to load the floppy driver since it wasn't doing it by default. (sudo modprobe floppy) Then I finagled the drive parameters into shape using either a call to dskutil (part of libdsk) or setfdprm. I then used dd (or ddrescue if needed) to copy the contents of the floppy. By using the flag for direct I/O I increased the read speed to a blistering (not) 5KB/s which was tolerable. Finally I invoked cpmtools (cpmls and cpmcp) to find out what was present and then move it to my Linux file system. Along the way I found some old projects.

One interesting one was a replacement for the CP/M-68K line input routine: condbdos. According to the documentation I wrote, this was an attempt to match what CP/M-3 provided. At the least it provided command line editing and a very simple one line history.

I started by attempting to create a C source file which when compiled produced code identical to the original. I was able to do this except for a couple of unsigned comparisons. Once I had that I then added the editing and history features.

Another useful tool that I built was something to automate using the C compiler. As it was you had to use not very bright batch files. I think I copied the code I used as a starting point for my version of CC from somewhere but after 20+ years I have no idea where. The one tricky part was being able to execute other programs. This required my CC program to have two parts. The first was a short stub in assembly to keep it small that would load the actual CC program into memory. But it relocated it to the top of the memory space and then lowered the top of memory so any called programs wouldn't (hopefully) overwrite it. In any case this made compiling programs easier.

Resurrecting the MEX68KECB

I dragged the H-19 out of the closet and plugged it in to see if it still worked after 20 years of neglect. It did for a while and then went dark. Presumably something in the power supply died. Rather than deal with all of that I instead pulled the MEX68KECB out of it. After rebuilding the serial cable (It had a DB25 and I need DB9 and I couldn't find any adapters but plenty of new DB9's.) I connected it to my bench power supply. I was happy to be greeted with the TUTOR prompt in the minicom window. So that works. Here is a picture of it:


You can see that it has been modified quite a bit. The primary modification was to replace the stock 4116 (16 kilobit) DRAMs with 41256 (256 kilobit) devices. This requires a bit of surgery because the 4116 requires three power supplies: 5V, 12V and -5V. The only other place the +/-12V supplies are used are in the RS-232 drivers. Then I needed to modify the address multiplexers to add four more bits and of course change the address decode. I ended up with a slightly odd memory map. The MEX68KECB comes with 32KB of memory running from 0x000000 to 0x01ffff and I needed to keep that but I couldn't continue above that because that is where the I/O and ROM are located. So the memory is mapped to start at 0xF00000 and run to 0xffffff. In addition it also responds to 0x000000 to 0x01ffff. This has the advantage that a 16 bit version of fig-Forth can access 64K because loading a 16 bit address into a MC68000 address register automatically is sign extended. (0x007fff is followed by 0xff8000, not 0x008000)

512KB wasn't enough so I then piggy-backed another set of 41256 DRAM onto the first set for a final total of 1MB. This is plenty for CP/M and in fact I used quite a bit of it for a RAM disk to speed things up.

I found a web page that has a pdf file of the MEX68KECB manual and schematics. It also has sources for a version of XINU for it. As luck would have it, I have a copy of the text for XINU so I may have to play with it.

The next step is to get the FDC and floppies working. I pulled the TEAC FD55F's out of the H-19 and put them into an external floppy case/power supply. (I forget what I bought the case for and haven't used it in years but it is still around.) Connecting the FDC is tricky. It is Peripheral Technology FD-2 that has been modified. The first mod being a short ribbon cable to a DIP16 header rather than the S50 bus connector. The second being this wire dangling from it. Luckily I found some of my notes in the FD-2 manual that tells me that this wire taps a 2MHZ clock on the MEX68KECB card.

There are a couple of wires soldered directly to the 7805 regulator on the FD-2. After a quick check to verify that this is on the input side, I connected it to the +12V output of my bench supply. This works but I noticed that the 7805 heatsink is really a lot hotter than I care for.

After connecting the floppy cable I typed in the pre-boot code (see above) and started it up and it all works. CP/M-68K starts up, the ramdisk is initialized and basic program development tools are loaded:

TUTOR  1.3 > GO 900                                                             
PHYSICAL ADDRESS=00000900                                                       
CP/M-68K Loader Ver. 1.0                                                        
CP/M-68K(tm) Version 1.2  03/20/84                                              
Copyright (c) 1984 Digital Research, Inc.                                       
CP/M-68K BIOS Version 2.0                                                       
TPA =   256K                                                                    
A>INIT C:                                                                       
Do you really want to init disk C ? Y                                           
A>PIP C:=PIP.68K                                                                
A>C:PIP C:=STAT.68K                                                             
A>C:PIP C:=MAKE.68K                                                             
A>C:PIP C:=CC.*                                                                 
COPYING -                                                                       
A>C:PIP C:=AS*.*                                                                
COPYING -                                                                       
A>C:PIP C:=EMACS.68K                                                            
A>C:PIP C:=EMACS.RC                                                             
C>USER 1                                                                        
1C>STAT LST:=LPT:                                                               

All appears to be working but with that hot 7805 I turned it off.

A new case

Some packaging is in order to eliminate the clutter and potential hazards. I think I have an open frame power supply that will do the trick (surplus from All Electronics many years ago. I think it was for the TI 99/4.) although it provides +5V, +12V, and -5V. The -5V isn't strictly what is required but since the only thing it is running are the RS-232 drivers I don't think it will matter much. Bypassing the 7805 regulator on the FD-2 might be a good idea.

A nice clear case would be neat and I have a sheet of clear acrylic that might do the trick. Something in a 12X9X4 inch size would work.


SD memory card interface

The MEX68KECB doesn't have anything even vaguely resembling an SPI port but I would like to use SD flash memory cards. I have had several ideas on ways to handle this:

  1. Bit banged using the MC68230 PIT. (Connecting a printer seems unlikely at this point.)
  2. Add an I/O port consisting of a couple of latches (data out and clock) and an input.
  3. Program a GAL as an I/O port which automagically generates a clock cycle when a bit is written and latches the resulting input data bit.
  4. Program a GAL to control a shift register (74299, or another GAL) so that it can be done a byte at a time instead of bit.
  5. Program some micro-controller to be a byte wide I/O port and use its built in SPI hardware. If it were a MCU that could run on 3.3V with 5V tolerant I/O it could also do the level shifting.

After taking a closer look at the documentation I decided that the path of least resistance was to bit bang it using the PIT. Several pins on port B of the PIT are brought out to the 50 pin connector but not used by the printer interface. For level conversion I am going to use a CD4049B CMOS inverter running on 3.3V. I think it will tolerate the outputs of the PIT (While the nominal range is 0-5V, this is an NMOS part and doesn't drive high very well.) and I will also buffer the data line coming back just as some extra protection for the SD card.

Because I am using 4 bits of port B to do all of the work, all of the bit flipping has to be done with read-modify-write operations which really slows things down.

SD memory card file system

SD (and SDHC) memory cards now exceed the 512MB upper limit of the CP/M-68K file system and they are cheap. So if I want to use them I need to think about them a bit more.

It would be nice if when the card is inserted the BIOS is smart enough to figure out the details of the file system. It would also be nice if large cards could be split (sort of like partitions in the MSDOS/Windows world). To that end, something like partitions are in order so long as it doesn't look so much like a regular partition that Windows would get confused if it were inserted on such a machine.

CP/M supports a maximum of 16 drives (A to P) so the maximum is 16 512MB partitions for a total of 8GB. A stunningly large amount of memory. There is no need for all the extra information in the MSDOS partitions nor are extended partitions needed. By allocating 32 long words (32 bits each) in the first sector all of the partions can be described. This even leaves some space for boot code if needed.

The basic layout is:

In addition the first sector of each partition is reserved and used to store information about the file system in that partition. This will describe the size of allocation units, number of directory entries, etc.

On second thought, the idea of a CP/M file system with 512MB of data is just too scary since it really isn't much of a file system at all. I have a couple of 128MB SD cards so maybe I will only use them.


April 2014

I have recently been doing some work on a version of CP/M-68K running under a simulator.
