Flight 1 RDAS data

The RDAS data gets the usual treatment. Here is a plot straight from the RDAS software showing event times (vertical red lines).

I like to process the recorded data with a Kalman filter. This smooths a lot of the noise out and generates an excellant velocity estimate. This plot shows the usual data. Besides the filtered altitude (blue line) I also overplot the raw pressure altitude data in green. This gives an indication of how well the filtered output is tracking the flight. If I don't see very much blue, it is tracking well.

The AltAcc deployed the drogue at apogee. I am continually amazed at how well the AltAcc performs even though it uses only an 8 bit ADC. So long as the flight doesn't do anything wierd, it does a very good job. Here is a look at the few seconds right at apogee.
