Scout Launch History
Flight Vehicle No. Launch Site Date Mission Performance Payload Experiment
1 ST-1 Wallops 7/1/60 Probe Success Sim Probe Environmental Instrumentation
2 ST-2 Wallops 10/4/60 Probe Success Sim Probe Environmental instrumentation plus radiation
3 ST-3 Wallops 12/4/60 Orbital Failure S-56 Air Density
4 ST-4 Wallops 2/16/61 Orbital Success S-56A Air Density
5 ST-5 Wallops 6/30/61 Orbital Failure S-55 Micrometeoroid
6 ST-6 Wallops 8/25/61 Orbital Failure S-55A Micrometeoroid
7 ST-7 Wallops 10/19/61 Probe Success P-21 Ionosphere
8 ST-8 Wallops 3/1/62 Reentry Success RE-1 Rentry heating plus RAM camera pod
9 ST-9 Wallops 3/29/62 Probe Success P-21A Ionosphere
10 S-111 Vandenburg 4/26/62 Orbital Failure SOLRAD-IVB Radiation
11 S-112 Vandenburg 5/23/62 Orbital Failure AF-1 Special Air Force
12 S-117 Vandenburg 8/23/62 Orbital Success AF-2 Special Air Force
13 S-114 Wallops 8/31/62 Reentry Failure RE-2 Rentry heating plus boundary layer noise
14 S-115 Wallops 12/16/62 Orbital Success S-55B Micrometeoroid plus boundary layer noise
15 S-118 Vandenburg 12/18/62 Orbital Success Transit-1 Navigation
16 S-126 Vandenburg 2/19/63 Orbital Success AF-3 Special Air Force
17 S-119 Vandenburg 4/5/63 Orbital Failure Transit-2 Navigation
18 S-121 Vandenburg 4/26/63 Orbital Failure AF-4 Special Air Force
19 S-116 Wallops 5/22/63 Reentry Success RFD-1 Reentry Evaluation
20 S-120 Vandenburg 5/22/63 Orbital Success Transit-3 Navigation
21 S-113 Wallops 6/28/63 Orbital Success CRL-1 Geophysics
22 S-110 Wallops 7/20/63 Reentry Failure RE-3 Reentry heating, RAM pods and ablative materials
23 S-132 Vandenburg 9/27/63 Orbital Failure AF-5 Special Air Force
24 S-122R Vandenburg 12/19/63 Orbital Success S-56B Air density
25 S-127R Wallops 3/27/64 Orbital Success UK-2 Radio astronomy, global ozone and galactic noise
26 S-125R Vandenburg 6/3/64 Orbital Success Transit-4 Navigation
27 S-128R Vandenburg 6/25/64 Orbital Failure CRL-2 Cambridge Research Laboratory
28 S-124R Wallops 7/20/64 Probe Success SERT Ion engine experiment
29 S-129R Wallops 8/18/64 Reentry Success RE-4 Ablative material, reentry to support Apollo
30 S-134R Vandenburg 8/25/64 Orbital Success S-48 Meteorological experiment
31 S-130R Wallops 10/9/64 Reentry Success RFD-2 Reentry evaluation
32 S-123RR Vandenburg 10/9/64 Orbital Success BE-B Electron content of ionosphere and laser tracking
33 S-133R Wallops 11/6/64 Orbital Success S-55C Micrometeroid
34 S-135R Vandenburg 11/21/64 Orbital Success AD/I-B Atmosphere charged particle and air density
35 S-137R Wallops 12/15/64 Orbital Success SM-A Atmospheric density and drag
36 S-136R Wallops 4/29/65 Orbital Success BE-C Ionospheric and gravitation
37 S-131R Wallops 8/10/65 Orbital Success SECOR Geodetic measurements
38 S-138R Wallops 11/18/65 Orbital Success SOLRAD-A Solar radiation
39 S-139R Vandenburg 12/6/65 Orbital Success FR-1 Study VLF in magnetosphere
40 S-140C Vandenburg 12/21/66* Orbital Success Transit-5 Navigation
41 S-142C Vandenburg 1/28/66 Orbital Success Transit-6 Navigation
42 S-141C Wallops 2/9/66 Orbital Success RE-E Reentry materials
43 S-143C Vandenburg 3/25/66 Orbital Success Transit-7 Navigation
44 S-145C Vandenburg 4/22/66 Orbital Success OV3-1 Radiation Research
45 S-146C Vandenburg 5/18/66 Orbital Success Transit-8 Navigation
46 S-147C Wallops 6/10/66 Orbital Success OV3-4 Radiation Research
47 S-148C Vandenburg 8/4/66 Orbital Success OV3-3 Radiation Research
48 S-149C Vandenburg 8/17/66 Orbital Success Transit-9 Navigation
49 S-150C Vandenburg 10/28/66 Orbital Success OV3-2 Environmental Science
50 S-151C Vandenburg 1/31/67 Orbital Failure OV3-5 Atmospheric Measurements
51 S-154C Vandenburg 4/13/67 Orbital Success Transit-10 Navigation
52 S-153C San Marco 4/26/67 Orbital Success SM-B Air Density, drag and ionospheric studies
53 S-155C Vandenburg 5/5/67 Orbital Success UK-3 Atmospheric and radio noise
54 S-156C Vandenburg 5/18/67 Orbital Success Transit-11 Navigation
55 S-152C Vandenburg 5/29/67 Orbital Failure ESRO-II Radiation, charged particle and cosmic ray
56 S-157C Vandenburg 9/25/67 Orbital Success Transit-12 Navigation
57 S-159C Wallops 10/19/67 Reentry Success RAM C-A Communications
58 S-158C Vandenburg 12/4/67 Orbital Success OV3-6 Radiation
59 S-162C Vandenburg 3/1/68 Orbital Success Transit-13 Navigation
60 S-160C Wallops 3/5/68 Orbital Success SOLRAD-B Solar Radiation
61 S-164C Wallops 4/27/68 Reentry Success RE-F Atmospheric entry heating
62 S-161C Vandenburg 5/16/68 Orbital Success ESRO-IIB Charged particle, solar and cosmic X-ray
63 S-165C Vandenburg 8/8/68 Orbital Success AD/I-C Air density and charged particle
64 S-168C Wallops 8/22/68 Reentry Success RAM C-B Communications measurements
65 S-167C Vandenburg 10/3/68 Orbital Success ESRO-I Iononspheric and auroral phenomena
66 S-172C Vandenburg 10/1/69 Orbital Success ESRO-IB Iononspheric and auroral phenomena
67 S-169C Vandenburg 11/7/69 Orbital Success GRS-A Van Allen belt, auroral and solar particle
68 S-176C Vandenburg 8/27/70 Orbital Success Transit-14 Navigation
69 S-171C Wallops 9/30/70 Reentry Success RAM C-C Communications measurements
70 S-174C Wallops 11/9/70 Orbital Success OFO/RMS Otolith, trapped radiation and micrometeroid
71 S-175C San Marco 12/12/70 Orbital Success SAS-A Identification of galactic sources of radiation
72 S-173C San Marco 4/24/71 Orbital Success SM-C Describe equatorial neutral particle atmosphere
73 S-144CR Wallops 6/20/71 Reentry Success PAET Determination of unkown planetary atmosphere
74 S-177C Wallops 7/8/71 Orbital Success SOLRAD-C Solar and Celestial radiation
75 S-180C Wallops 8/16/71 Orbital Success CAS-A Mapping of winds in southern hemisphere
76 S-166CR Wallops 9/20/71 Probe Success GRP-A Features of electric and magnetic fields
77 S-163CR San Marco 11/15/71 Orbital Success SSS-A Charged particles of magnetosphere
78 S-183C Vandenburg 12/11/71 Orbital Success UK-4 Interaction of charged particles in ionosphere
79 S-184C Wallops 8/13/72 Orbital Success MTS Multisheet bumper configurations for micrometeoroid
80 S-182C Vandenburg 9/2/72 Orbital Success TIP-1 Navigation
81 S-170CR San Marco 11/15/72 Orbital Success SAS-B Radiation sources in celestial sphere
82 S-185C Vandenburg 11/21/72 Orbital Success ESRO-IV Auroral phenomena in polar regions
83 S-181C Vandenburg 12/16/72 Orbital Success AEROS-A State and behavior of upper atmosphere
84 S-178C Vandenburg 10/29/73 Orbital Success Transit-15 Navigation
85 S-190C San Marco 2/18/74 Orbital Success SM-C2 Describe equatorial neutral particle atmosphere
86 S-188C Vandenburg 3/8/74 Orbital Success X-4 Technology for 3-axis stabilization platform
87 S-191C Vandenburg 6/3/74 Orbital Success Hawkeye Neutral point region of magnetosphere
88 S-186C Vandenburg 7/16/74 Orbital Success AEROS-B State and behavior of upper atmosphere
89 S-189C Vandenburg 8/30/74 Orbital Success ANS-A Celstial X-ray and ultraviolet sources
90 S-187C San Marco 10/15/74 Orbital Success UK-5 Locate X-ray sources in celestial sphere
91 S-194C San Marco 5/8/75 Orbital Success SAS-C Identify sources of galcatic radiation
92 S-195C Vandenburg 10/11/75 Orbital Success TIP-II Navigation
93 S-196C Vandenburg 12/5/75 Orbital Failure DAD Air density studies
94 S-179CR Vandenburg 5/22/76 Orbital Success P76-5 Effects of ionosphere on satellite
95 S-193C Wallops 6/18/76 Probe Success GP-A Test Einstein's gravitational and relativity theories
96 S-197C Vandenburg 9/1/76 Orbital Success TIP-III Navigation
97 S-200C Vandenburg 10/27/77 Orbital Success TRANSAT Navigation and missile tracking
98 S-201C Vandenburg 4/26/78 Orbital Success HCMM Provide thermal maps of earth's surface
99 S-202C Wallops 2/18/79 Orbital Success SAGE Measure stratospheric aerosols and ozone
100 S-198C Wallops 6/2/79 Orbital Success UK-6 Study high energy astrophysics
101 S-203C Vandenburg 10/30/79 Orbital Success MAGSAT Global survey of earth's magnetic field
102 S-192C Vandenburg 5/14/81 Orbital Success NOVA-I Navigation
103 S-205C Vandenburg 6/27/83 Orbital Success HILAT Plasma's effect on radar and radio frequency
104 S-208C Vandenburg 10/11/84 Orbital Success NOVA-III Navigation
105 S-209 Vandenburg 8/2/85 Orbital Success SOOS-1 Navigation
106 S-207C Wallops 12/12/85 Orbital Success ITV Special Air Force (Instrumented Test Vehicle)
107 S-199 Vandenburg 11/13/86 Orbital Success PolarBEAR Air Force Research
108 S-204 Vandenburg 9/16/87 Orbital Success SOOS-2 Navigation
109 S-206 San Marco 3/25/88 Orbital Success San Marco D/L Drag Balance
110 S-211 Vandenburg 4/25/88 Orbital Success SOOS-3 Navigation
111 S-213 Vandenburg 6/15/88 Orbital Success NOVA-II Navigation
112 S-214 Vandenburg 8/25/88 Orbital Success SOOS-4 Navigation
113 S-212C Vandenburg 5/9/90 Orbital Success MACSAT Message relay and digital M1 & M2 communication
114 S-216C Vandenburg 6/29/91 Orbital Success REX Communications
115 S-215C Vandenburg 7/3/92 Orbital Success SAMPEX Solar flare/cosmic ray data
116 S-210C Vandenburg 11/21/92 Orbital Success MSTI-1 Atmospheric studies
117 S-217C Vandenburg 6/25/93 Orbital Success RADCAL Radar calibrations
118 S-218 Vandenburg 5/8/94 Orbital Success MSTI-2 Tracking and earth observation studies

As published in the 26 May 1994 issue of the Missileer.