PAC3 Flight Log

Flt Flight Photo Graph Motor Comments Altitude
1 6/17/2001 AltAcc Data AT I284 A nice first flight until the main parachute didn't come out. The charge fired but the nose was on too tight (friction fit) and it just didn't move. Because of the way the shock cord was set up, the nose landed first and then the motor section landed ON it. The damage was easily repaired but I will use a deployment bag and shear pins from now on. 1270 feet
2 8/18/2001 AltAcc Data AT J460 Great flight. The shear pins worked great and the main parachute deployed nicely. The only problem is that motor case fell out and landed somewhere in the field. Darn. But just as we were packing up everything, someone found it! Yeah! 1750
3 10/27/2001 AltAcc Data


AT K560 Oops, I seem to have a bad case of dynamic instability. I am not sure why although there was at least a little bit of roll. The next flight will include a three axis magnetometer so I can get some data on roll pitch and yaw. If I can't work it out, then there will be no L or M motors in the future for this rocket. Just a steady diet of K550's. 5500
4 11/17/2001 AltAcc Data


Magnetic Data

AT J800 Absolutely a perfect flight. It couldn't have gone up straighter if it had been on a rail. The magnetic data shows a roll rate of around 1 revolution per second. 3000
5 11/18/2001 AltAcc Data


Magnetic Data

AT J210 The flight was perfectly straight but very low. Rocksim simulations showed 1500' but the flight only hit 600'. What I really need is another K560 to check dynamic stability. They are just a little hard to find now. 600
6 3/15/2002 AltAcc Data


Magnetic Data

AT K780 A great flight and the 75mm Redline looked really good.

Thanks to Tom Montemayor for the photo.

7 9/7/2002 AltAcc Data


Magnetic Data

AT J390 I have finally decided that the problems cannot be tweaked away and I will have to rebuild the motor section from scratch. There is still far too much roll induced by the fins. I had hoped to avoid this because this is the part that took most of the work to build. 2650

Here are all of the raw data files in a compressed tar archive. Don't worry, WinZIP understands compressed tar archives so you should have no trouble with it.

The RDAS program is available on the RDAS web site. The AltAcc Flight Analyzer software used to be on the BlackSky web site but they removed it. It can found at the Rocketry Planet FTP server.

Flight Data Archive
