T-22 Flight Log

Flt Flight Date/Photo Graph Motor Comments Altitude
4 29 Oct. 2016 AltAcc Data


Aerotech K780 Dallas Area Rocket Society at Prairie Hill. Nice flight on an Aerotech K780 marred only by landing on the runway..

3883' (AltAcc)

3739' (RDAS)

3 16 Oct. 2004 AltAcc Data


GPS Data

Aerotech L850 Dallas Area Rocket Society Shoot for the Stars launch using an Aerotech L850. A beautiful boost but a EMI induced glitch caused very early deployment. 6842' (AltAcc)

6592' (RDAS)

6,599' (GPS)

2 LDRS day 4 AltAcc Data


AMW M1850 Day 4 of LDRS. The M1850 lit quickly using a dipped E-match ignitor from an on field vendor. (Oxral E-match with Magnalite pyrogen.) Great boost but the main parachutes came out much higher than the intended 1000'. Lots of data including GPS. 10,992 (AltAcc)

10,370' (RDAS)

10,430' (GPS)

1 LDRS day 3 AltAcc Data


AMW L1060 Day 3 of LDRS and the first flight for this rocket. The motor took a long time to some up to pressure using the Quickburst ignitor. But after that it was a perfect flight. The only downside was that the main section draped its shock cord over a power line. Only 110 and insulated so no problem. Lots of data to work through: AltAcc, RDAS, and GPS. 5,742' (AltAcc)

5,520' (RDAS)

5,569' (GPS)

Raw altimeter data files in a compressed tar archive (understood by WinZIP). You will need something to interpret those files. I have the software packages for both the AltAcc and RDAS but the AltAcc at least is for an ancient version of Windows. Source code for Linux/POSIX systems was also published and I have that. If you need something, just ask.
